

Love addiction, also known as pathological love, is a "pattern of behaviour characterised by a maladaptive, pervasive, and excessive interest in one or more romantic partners, resulting in a loss of control, the abandonment of other interests and behaviours, and other negative consequences." As with any other type of addiction, a number of distinct factors can influence love addiction. The likelihood of addiction is greatly influenced by genetics, trauma, and upbringing. And, similar to substance addiction, early exposure to addictive relationships can increase the likelihood of developing a love addiction.

What are the signs and symptoms?
  • Frequently desiring to be in love
  • Elevating a romantic partner to a lofty position
  • Obsessing over an amorous attraction or experiencing cravings, withdrawals, and euphoria with their partner.
  • Needing to fall in love frequently and foremost
  • Pursuing unrequited love or a fear of being alone
  • Do you devote a great deal of time or energy to a specific individual?
  • Do you frequently disregard taking care of yourself or abandon significant aspects of your life in order to remain closer to the object of your affection?
When Love Becomes an Addiction

An addiction to love is the physical and mental inability to stop a behaviour or desire, despite the negative consequences and the harm it can cause. If it has gotten out of hand, you will feel remorse about your behaviour and have a strong desire to repeat it regardless of the consequences. You may experience feelings of remorse and ask yourself, "Why can't I stop? What am I up to? What am I doing wrong?

Nonetheless, if you find yourself thinking, "Sometimes I can be a little obsessive," you may be more romantically oriented than others. It is probable that this is innocuous.

It is the conviction that life's joys and happiness await you in the next great passion of your life. This love is not limited to prospective romantic partners. Love addiction is not necessarily limited to romantic or sexual relationships.

Love addiction can manifest with peers, children, sponsors, religious figures, and even celebrities for some individuals.

Love Addiction Is Different

A love addict is characterised by their fundamental fantasies and expectations, as well as their belief that someone else can solve their problems. This 'person' will fix what is broken within them, fill their emptiness, and never depart.

A person with a love addiction frequently expects the other person to provide them with unconditional love, constant positive regard, and, most significantly, to take care of them forever.

Love addiction is distinct from both sexual addiction and psychotic disorders.

When these irrational requirements are not met, those with a love addiction can develop resentment and cause conflict in their relationships. When a person is left alone or solitary again, rage and anger ensue. As partners are driven apart by unreasonable demands, the dread of abandonment becomes self-fulfilling.

Many individuals develop these addictions to escape intolerable and agonising emotions. It is a coping mechanism that may have once made logic, but has now taken on a life of its own and become destructive. A love addict who does not engage in addictive behaviour is typically capable of managing their life and caring for themselves.

However, there is a void in the psyche, a feeling that something is lacking. "I am incapable of caring for myself; someone else can and should."

When they do become involved with others, their capacity for self-care will gradually decline as they rely on the other person to meet all of their requirements. As partners are alienated by unreasonable demands, endowment becomes self-fulfilling.

Dual Diagnosis

If there is one thing we know, it is that those affected by love addiction are frequently also affected by other addictions, such as alcoholism or substance abuse. It is not uncommon for individuals to turn to substances in order to contend with their negative emotions when they do not receive the validation they desire from their romantic partner.

Additionally, individuals who contend with love addiction frequently have unresolved childhood trauma issues. If you are already struggling with love addiction and using drugs or alcohol to manage it, we strongly advise that you seek assistance. Abhasa Luxury Rehab Centre can help you recover and regain control of your life through a combination of evidence-based therapies.

Prepared by: Ms.Nivedha L Narayanan, Centre Head at Abhasa Rehabilitation and Wellness Home
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