

Genes, the stage of a person's development, and even gender or ethnicity are biological factors that can affect a person's vulnerability to addiction. Scientists estimate that heredity and the effects of environmental factors on a person's gene expression, known as epigenetics, account for between 40 and 60 percent of an individual's susceptibility to addiction. Also, adolescents and people with mental disorders are more susceptible to substance abuse and addiction than others. In addition to fuzzy memories and bloodshot eyes, you awaken with a chest ache. Does this ring a bell?

You may have experienced chest pain after binge drinking with companions or during the holiday season, when alcohol is abundant.

Why is ‘Holiday Heart’ a concern?

This is due to weekend binge drinking.

Given that binge drinking is regarded as one of the most significant causes of alcohol-related harm, it is easy to see how Ireland's binge drinking problem could contribute to an increase in alcohol-related chest symptoms. Moderate alcohol may lower blood pressure, although there is no proof. At more than one standard alcoholic drink per day, cardiac risks outweigh the benefits.

In addition, India-based research has revealed that these advantages only apply to certain populations, such as women over the age of 55.

Still, there is overwhelming evidence that alcohol consumption increases health risks. These include chest pain and cardiac problems.

Some physicians have labelled the irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, or chest pain following alcohol consumption as "holiday heart syndrome," although this is not a recognised medical condition.

Sunday night through Monday morning is the most common time of the week for heart-related fatalities in the United Kingdom, according to the British Medical Journal, which attributes this to weekend binge drinking.

Before diagnosing chest pain as due to the heart, physicians will naturally also consider whether it could be originating in the oesophagus ('gullet') and stomach, which could be related to alcohol due to alcohol-induced irritation, or strain in one of the rib muscles. Some frequent drinkers develop pancreatic inflammation, which can cause pain in the ribs and abdomen.

Studies have shown that people who consume very small quantities of alcohol tend to have lower blood pressure and fewer heart attacks. However, these individuals also tend to engage in more physical activity, have more stable lives, and have healthier diets, which could explain the link. Scientists have demonstrated, however, that moderate consumption tends to balance cholesterol levels and reduce blood clotting, which could prevent the narrowing of arteries.

However, any potential health benefits of alcohol apply only to those who consume it in moderation. Public health specialists recommend no more than 14 units per week (equivalent to six pints of beer or seven glasses of wine spread out over three or more days, with some alcohol-free days during the week) of alcohol consumption. The majority of the time, if someone experiences chest pain and heart problems as a result of alcohol consumption, they are drinking significantly more than this amount.

Due in part to the recovery of the nervous system the morning after excessive imbibing, anxiety levels can increase. Anxiety induced by alcohol can persist for several hours after consumption. Some people even experience panic attacks the day after a night of heavy drinking, which can cause chest pain and the dread that a heart attack is imminent.

If a person is also taking other medications or substances, the interaction may also cause chest pain. Combining alcohol and cocaine places a significant strain on the cardiovascular system. The antibiotic metronidazole can exacerbate hypertension when combined with alcohol.

Smoking alone can irritate the lungs, which can result in chest discomfort, but when combined with alcohol, blood pressure can also increase. In addition, smoking tends to exacerbate acid reflux symptoms.

If you are concerned about alcohol-induced chest pain and believe that drinking is affecting your heart, please contact our Abhasa team immediately so that we can discuss how you can quit drinking and begin living a healthy lifestyle.

A nutritious diet and regular physical activity can help prevent heart disease. Overeating can place stress on the heart and result in chest discomfort.

If you regularly experience chest pain after consuming alcohol, you should reduce your consumption or cease drinking altogether. Because it may indicate the presence of a distinct issue, it is essential to consult a physician. And if you feel unable to control your drinking or cease, you may be developing alcohol dependence, also known as addiction.

The disease of alcoholism is progressive but treatable. If you or someone you know exhibits any signs of alcoholism, there is assistance available: AA meetings, your primary care physician, or a residential treatment centre like Abhasa Luxury Rehabilitation Centre and Wellness Home. Call our help desk for more information on the options available to assist you in quitting imbibing.

Prepared by: Ms.Nivedha L Narayanan, Centre Head at Abhasa Rehabilitation and Wellness Home
LinkedIn Id: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nivedha-l-narayanan-1781b6120//a>
