
Alcohol-induced Dementia: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

Alcohol affects brain cells directly, resulting in impaired judgement, trouble making judgements, and a lack of insight. Nutritional issues, which frequently accompany long-term alcohol misuse, can also play a role, as vitamin deficits can cause damage to areas of the brain. Alcoholic dementia is similar to Alzheimer's disease in that it impairs memory and cognition in certain ways.

This is a condition that occurs as a result of long-term high use of alcoholic beverages. It causes brain damage, resulting in a loss of cognitive function. These side effects build up over time, and before you realise it, you're dealing with problems like memory loss, which leads to poor decision-making and a lack of insight. Though some people cure their alcohol addiction in their own way, getting treatment from a professional recovery programme is the best option.

Some of the most prevalent symptoms of alcoholism include blackouts, fragmented conduct, and violent actions toward others. Long-term alcohol use can develop into a more serious illness known as alcohol-induced dementia. However, locating a top-rated alcohol addiction treatment centre in India can be beneficial. 95 percent of those who consume alcohol regularly are at risk of developing alcohol dementia. Many people around the world are battling alcoholism in their homes, colleges, and workplaces. But, first and foremost, what is alcohol dementia?


The majority of drinkers are aware that excessive alcohol consumption causes liver issues. Few people realise, however, that it can eventually lead to dementia. Alcohol enters the brain cells directly after ingestion, which is one of the reasons why most alcoholics lack balance and stability. The harmful chemicals in alcohol prevent vitamin B1 synthesis (thiamine). This causes a condition called Wernicke Korsakoff, which changes the way your brain works.

Dementia is one of the most frightening age-related disorders that can arise. It has the potential to strip you of your identity and be terrible for your loved ones. Dementia affects a person's capacity to communicate and, in its latter stages, necessitates round-the-clock care. Cognitive impairment induced by brain shrinkage, or 'atrophying,' eventually leads to organ failure and death.

Types of alcohol-induced dementia

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is a neuron-related disorder caused by inadequate thiamine production in the brain. Alcohol is broken down after ingestion to produce harmful chemicals that prevent the formation of vitamin B1, generally known as thiamine. All thiamine-dependent enzymes are inhibited when you don't have enough thiamine in your brain. This has the potential to harm brain cells. As a result, the victim has poor coordination, odd eye movement, and is frequently confused. The following symptoms are typical of this syndrome:

  • Memory lapses.
  • Inability to comprehend new ideas and concepts.
  • Poor social skills and impaired judgment.

Quitting alcohol may help you overcome this syndrome, but in some cases, especially among the elderly, it may continue and become permanent.

Types of dementia
  • Alzheimer's disease, which is characterised by 'plaques' between dying brain cells and 'tangles' inside the cells, is caused by protein abnormalities. The size of a person's brain decreases when they have this condition.
  • Dementia with Lewy bodies is a neurodegenerative disease caused by aberrant brain structures. A protein called alpha-synuclein is involved in brain alterations.
  • The presence of Lewy bodies is another symptom of Parkinson's disease. Although Parkinson's disease is commonly thought of as a movement illness, it can also cause dementia symptoms.
  • Mixed dementia refers to when a person has both Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia.
  • Huntington's disease is characterised by a variety of uncontrollable movements as well as dementia.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for it at this time, and experts are currently looking for causes. There is no known treatment for progressive dementia if brain cell loss cannot be reversed. Rather than treating the fundamental cause of diseases like Alzheimer's disease, doctors focus on giving care and treating the symptoms.

As a result, certain drugs can help alleviate the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. If dementia symptoms are caused by a reversible, non-degenerative cause, such as an accident, drug side effects, or vitamin deficiency, therapy may be feasible to prevent or slow additional brain tissue destruction.

What are the early symptoms of dementia?
  • Loss of memory.
  • Concentration problems and muddled thoughts.
  • Finding it difficult to complete routine daily tasks.
  • Having trouble keeping up with a conversation or finding the correct word?
  • Being perplexed by the passage of time and place.
  • Changes in mood and/or depression.

The earlier dementia is detected, the more easily it may be treated. Although there is currently no cure, medications can help reduce the growth of the disease. Because dementia is caused by a variety of disorders, there is unlikely to be a single cure.

Alcohol-Related Brain Damage (ARBD)

This is a cholinergic condition that affects a lot of people. This is an important region of your brain that is in charge of memory. You are more likely to have memory loss if it is injured. Even though there is no documented link between ARBD and Alzheimer's disease, the two conditions have nearly identical effects on the brain. Unlike Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, ARBD is a chronic condition that persists even after alcoholism has been overcome.


If you locate a proper recovery programme, you can beat alcoholism and recover. This is why it is critical to begin by locating a top-rated rehabilitation centre in Mumbai. Before you begin, make sure you are familiar with the programmes available at the institution. The most popular are therapies that aid in the restoration of your body's natural and functional state. Abhasa Rehabilitation Centre offers several beneficial programmes, including:

  • Art therapy
  • Yoga therapy 
  • Mindfulness meditation therapy.
  • Recreational therapy.
  • Group therapy.
  • Individual counseling.

There are various methods for stopping drinking, ranging from lowering your alcohol consumption to quitting cold turkey. It's critical to concentrate on your body and mind as you prepare to stop drinking. If you have become reliant on the presence of alcohol in your system to operate in daily life, you may suffer a variety of withdrawal symptoms that can be deadly if not treated properly.

In our experience, the best method to help people stop drinking alcohol and go on to a healthier life is to enrol them in an inpatient alcohol drug treatment programme. While going to therapy may make you feel uncomfortable or apprehensive, being able to step outside of your comfort zone makes a huge impact.
