
Could you have an alcohol abuse problem?

Are you uncertain as to whether your consumption is excessive or has crossed the line into a problem? Consider the prior year. If any of the following situations sound familiar, it may be time for change. There are instances when the desire for a drink is so intense that you cannot concentrate on anything else until you obtain one. People, places, objects, or times of the day that remind you of drinking can trigger this intense desire or urge. Wants can also be triggered by feelings and bodily sensations. These signals have a different effect on the brains of social drinkers and alcoholics.

It causes friction in relationships.

You care about your family and friends, but you cannot imagine an existence without alcohol. Your drinking has caused or exacerbated conflicts with your family or acquaintances, yet you continue to drink. This does not make you a bad person, but it does increase the urgency of seeking assistance to alter your habits and repair your relationships.

As the effects of alcohol fade off, you may experience difficulty sleeping, trembling, irritability, anxiety, depression, restlessness, nausea, and perspiration. Alcohol alters the brain's metabolism, and heavy drinking over an extended period of time causes the brain to adapt. When you abruptly cease drinking, your brain must readjust, resulting in withdrawal symptoms.

Drinking is making you sick.

Do you continue to consume it despite your knowledge that it causes or exacerbates health problems? Alcohol can harm the immune system, liver, heart, brain, and pancreas. And it can increase the likelihood of developing certain malignancies. A physical or emotional dependence on alcohol can make cessation difficult, despite the fact that you recognise its negative effects.

When Is It Time for Treatment?

Alcohol-related problems result from excessive, rapid, or frequent consumption.
Many individuals struggle with alcohol control at some point in their lives. More than 14 million adults aged 18 and older suffer from alcohol use disorder (AUD), and one in ten children reside in a household with an alcoholic parent.

Tips for Selecting Treatment

Professionals in the field of alcohol treatment provide guidance for selecting a treatment programme. Before deciding on a treatment, acquire as much information as possible about the programme or provider. If you know someone who has direct expertise with the programme, it may be beneficial to inquire about their personal experience.

What kind of treatment does the programme or provider offer?

It is essential to determine whether the facility offers all of the currently available methods or only one. You may want to find out whether the programme or provider provides medication and whether mental health issues are addressed alongside addiction treatment.

Is treatment tailored to the individual?

It is crucial to the therapy's effectiveness that it be individualised to the patient's needs. There is no treatment that will benefit everyone. In addition, it may be useful to determine if treatment will be adapted to meet changing requirements as they arise.

Relapse is part of the process.

Relapse is prevalent among individuals who have overcome alcoholism. People with alcoholism are most likely to relapse during times of stress or when confronted with people or locations associated with past drinking.

Similar to how some people with diabetes or asthma may experience flare-ups, a relapse to drinking can be viewed as a transient setback on the path to full recovery and not as a failure. Seeking professional assistance can prevent relapse; behavioural therapies can help individuals develop the skills necessary to avoid and surmount triggers, such as stress, that could lead to drinking. The majority of individuals benefit from regular visits with a healthcare provider. Medications can also inhibit drinking during periods when the risk of relapse is greatest (e.g., divorce, death of a family member).

Advice For Friends and Family Members

Caring for someone with alcoholism can be extremely demanding. It is essential that you find a method to care for yourself while you assist your loved one. Seeking support from others, such as friends, family, the community, and support groups, may be beneficial. If you are experiencing symptoms of depression or anxiety, you should consider obtaining professional assistance. Remember that ultimately, your loved one is accountable for managing his or her illness.

However, your involvement can make a significant difference. Based on their clinical experiences, many health care professionals believe that the assistance of companions and family members is essential for overcoming alcoholism. However, family and acquaintances may be uncertain about how to best provide the necessary support. The below-listed groups for family and friends may serve as a suitable starting point.

Remember that changing deeply ingrained behaviours is difficult, time-consuming, and requires repeated effort. We typically encounter failures along the way, gain insight from them, and then continue. AUD is not unique. Be as tolerant as possible with your loved one. This disorder is not easily or quickly overcome.

Pay close attention to your loved one when he or she is improving or making an attempt. Too frequently, we are so furious or depressed that we take things for granted when they improve. A word of thanks or recognition of a success can go a long way.

Prepared by: Ms.Nivedha L Narayanan, Centre Head at Abhasa Rehabilitation and Wellness Home
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