What is Stress?
Hans Selye (1936) an endocrinologist and who founded the theory of stress, defined stress as, “the non-specific response of the body to any demand for change”. When we experience stressors or changes, our body starts responding physically, psychologically, and emotionally. This is what is called as Stress.
Types of Stress
Stress can be of 3 types:
- Eustress: Also known as good stress, it arises in order to push us forward for something good in our life.
- Neustress: Neustress is neutral…neither good nor bad.
- Distress: This type of stress has a negative impact in our life.
Symptoms of Stress
- Headaches
- Body pain
- Difficulty falling asleep
- Hypertension
- Problems in digestion
- Weak immune system
Stress can lead to Anxiety and Depression.
Causes of Stress
There are many situations in life that causes stress, they are:
- Exam pressure
- Failing to get admitted to a college
- Overtime and meeting deadlines at workplace
- Losing our job
- Getting married
- Divorce or separation
- Raising kids esp., as a single parent
- Adjustment issues in our family
- Quarrels/bickering in family
- Taking responsibilities in family
- Chronic/life threatening illness
- Emotional problems
- Unforseen/traumatic event in our life which shatters us
How to Overcome Stress
Actually, its not stress that affects us…but how we respond to it that counts….For all you people over there if you want some simple life changing tips to overcome stress….here we go… Please do make it a point to incorporate regular exercise in your daily routine…Yoga and Candle meditation are very effective ways of handling stress, maintain a stress diary/journal regularly without fail, join a laughter club…it will drive away your stress, make it a point to put an end to your habit of procrastinating tasks and if not, it will only pile up your tasks adding to your stress, be assertive…set up clear boundaries, Mindfullness is a gem of a technique for overcoming stress, relaxation exercises and listening to relaxing music is too good for managing stress, breathing exercises would also help….please do bring some variations in your food habits, try to reduce or completely avoid your caffeine intake and add some mood elevating food…some food like strawberries, grapes, nuts, chocolate, animal proteins etc. release Endorphins also known as the “Happy Hormone” which arrests the stress. We know, its better said than done….but Practice, Practice and Practice is what makes a man Perfect……Go on, try these simple tips and start experiencing the difference.
Stress Life
Can you name any one person who has never experienced stress in his/her life….well, I know…the answer is “NO”. Each and every person had and are undergoing stress….it can be related to studies, work, family, social circle… worries regarding past and present, future plans…..and the list is endless…
Frequently Asked Questions on Stress
What Caused Stress?
Stopping drug use on your own is hard. Get medical help from people who work in Abhasa. They can help you stop using meth and live a good life.
What Stress does to your Brain?
It can disrupt synapse regulation, leading to the loss of sociability and therefore the avoidance of interactions with others. Stress can kill brain cells and even reduce the dimensions of the brain. Chronic stress features a shrinking effect on the prefrontal cortex, the world of the brain liable for memory and learning.
What will happen if you are Stressed?
Ongoing, chronic stress, however, can cause or exacerbate many serious health problems, including: psychological state problems, like depression, anxiety, and personality disorders. disorder , including heart condition , high vital sign , abnormal heart rhythms, heart attacks, and stroke.
What are the Behavioral Signs of Stress?
Few Signs of Stress are:
- epression
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Low Sex Drive
- Memory And Concentration Problems
- Compulsive Behavior
- Mood Swings