
Signs of Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol abuse is defined as a pattern of drinking that has severe and repeated negative consequences. Alcoholics are more likely to miss important school, job, or family commitments.

They may have legal issues due to drinking, such as many arrests for driving while inebriated. They may be having relationship problems as a consequence of their drinking. Alcoholism, often known as alcohol dependency, is a condition in which a person's alcohol use has become uncontrollable.

It makes no difference what type of alcohol someone consumes or how much of it they consume. People who are addicted to alcohol are frequently unable to quit drinking once they begin. Tolerance (the need to drink more to reach the same "high") and withdrawal symptoms (if drinking is brusquely stopped) are two faces of alcohol dependency. Nausea, tremors, hallucinations, sweating, restlessness, irritability, and convulsions are some of the withdrawal symptoms.

What are the causes of alcoholic disorders?

The drinking problem involves a variety of factors, including genetic, physiological, psychological, and social variables. Each root has a diverse effect on different people. Psychological characteristics such as impulsivity, low self-esteem, and a need for acceptance can lead to improper drinking in certain alcohol addicts.

Some people drink to cope with or "medicate" their sensitive problems. Peer pressure and easy access to alcohol are examples of social and environmental factors that might play a role. Poverty, as well as physical or sexual exploitation, increases the risk of developing an addiction to alcohol. Some people are more susceptible to alcoholism due to genetic reasons.

Contrary to popular belief, being able to "hold your booze" puts you at a higher, not lower, chance of developing an alcohol problem. However, just because there is a family history of alcoholism does not guarantee that children will grow up with the same issues. In addition, the absence of drinking problems in the family does not necessarily safeguard children from acquiring similar issues.

The problem can become self-perpetuating if people start drinking excessively. Heavy drinking can lead to physiological changes, making additional drinking the only option to stay comfortable. People who are addicted to alcohol may drink to alleviate or prevent withdrawal symptoms.

What are the effects of alcoholism on people?

While some studies show that small quantities of alcohol may have cardiovascular benefits, most experts concur that heavy drinking can cause health concerns. Memory loss, hangovers, and blackouts are all short-term impacts. Stomach troubles, heart difficulties, cancer, brain damage, significant memory loss, and liver cirrhosis are all long-term consequences of binge drinking.

Heavy drinkers also have a complex risk of dying in car accidents, homicides, and suicide. Despite the fact that males are far more likely than women to acquire alcoholism, even at lower levels of consumption, women's health suffers more. Problems with alcohol have a bad influence on mental health as well. Alcohol consumption and addiction can exacerbate pre-existing diseases like depression or cause new ones like severe memory loss, sadness, and anxiety.

Alcoholism affects more than just the drinker. Heavy drinkers' spouses and children may be exposed to domestic violence; children may be exposed to physical and sexual abuse and neglect, as well as psychological difficulties. Women who drink while pregnant face the danger of harming their unborn children. Accidents and attacks involving alcohol can hurt or kill relatives, friends, and strangers

When is it appropriate to seek assistance?

Individuals frequently conceal their drinking habits or deny that they have a problem. What signs can you look for to see whether you or someone you know is in danger? Friends or family expressing worry, getting angry when people criticise your drinking, feeling guilty about your drinking and thinking you should cut down but being unable to do so, or needing a morning drink to calm your nerves or alleviate a hangover are all signs of a probable issue.

Some people who struggle with alcoholism try hard to overcome their issues. These folks are generally able to heal on their own with the help of family or friends. Those who are addicted to alcohol, on the other hand, are unlikely to be able to stop drinking on their own. Many people require outside assistance.

To avoid potentially life-threatening withdrawal symptoms, including seizures, they may require medically supervised detoxification. After people have been stabilised, they may require assistance in treating psychological difficulties related to problem drinking.

The following are some of the most rampant signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse:
  • Facing short-term memory loss or brief blackouts
  • Having frustration and mood swings that are out of control
  • Making up explanations to drink, such as to relax, release stress, or feel normal
  • Selecting drinking over other tasks and responsibilities
  • Separation and estrangement from associates and family associates
  • Consuming a drink alone or in secret
  • Once you don't drink, you become hungover.
  • Altering your look and the people you apply out with.
Treating Alcoholism

Overcoming alcoholism should be done in a specialised  alcohol treatment centre under the supervision of medical professionals. Patients who try to self-treat might end up doing more damage than good. Detox, for example, can cause highly unpleasant withdrawal symptoms that are best handled in an alcohol treatment programme.

A psychologist might start with the drinker by determining the types and severity of difficulties he or she has had in the past. The assessment's findings can provide initial recommendations to the drinker about what therapy to pursue and can inspire the problem drinker to seek help.

Individuals with drinking issues who seek assistance early boost their chances of recovery. Psychologists can assist people with psychological difficulties related to their problem drinking by using one or more of numerous types of psychological therapy. Psychologists devised a number of these treatments, including cognitive-behavioural coping skills treatment and motivational improvement therapy.

Other therapies include 12-step facilitation techniques, which enable people who have  drinking issues to use self-help groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). All three of these treatments have been shown to be successful. According to one study of cognitive-behavioural techniques, 58 percent of patients getting cognitive-behavioural treatment outperformed those in comparison groups. Motivational interventions lowered how often and how much teenagers drank after receiving alcohol-related emergency department care in another trial.

Making Alcoholics Anonymous Easier, meanwhile, greatly boosted participants' chances of abstaining from alcohol. Many people who have difficulties with alcohol also have other mental health issues, such as severe anxiety and depression. These "co-occurring" psychological problems can also be diagnosed and treated by psychologists.

A psychologist may also play a crucial role in organising the services provided by other health specialists to a drinker in treatment. Psychologists can also give marriage, family, and group therapy, which are typically effective in restoring interpersonal relationships and treating long-term problem drinking. Family ties have an impact on drinking habits, and these relationships frequently shift as a person recovers.

The psychologist may assist the drinker and significant others in navigating these difficult changes, as well as educate families about problem drinking and how to support family members in recovery. The psychologist can also refer family members to self-help groups such as Al-Anon.

Treatment for alcohol dependence requires two aspects: physical and mental. At Abhasa, we take the most effective care of our patients, along with providing them with a proper aftercare regimen for complete recovery. So, if you are looking for the best inpatient alcohol rehab center mumbai, call us to get the best-in-class and most modern treatments to lead a happy and fulfilling life.
